Thursday, February 14, 2013

Abby Reese 4 Months!

This little sweet thing is 4 MONTHS OLD!

Weight: 13 lbs. 2.8 ounces (44th percentile
Length: 24.25 inches (55.96th percentile)

My Oh My how she has grown!

Can you believe it?!?! I know I can't! What an adventure it has been, and what joy she has brought to our lives.  We can not imagine our lives before her or without her! She is such an amazing baby.    The girl never cries...and I mean never.  A little fussy here and there when she's hungry, but that's really all. She usually wakes up anywhere between 7-8 and is ready to play.  Abby will play on her play mat while Kate eats breakfast.  Then we play with Abby and take her medicine.  We usually go to the playroom as Abby is mesmerized by everything Kate does, frankly so am I sometimes ;).  Abby then takes a little nap in the morning, and wakes up about the time Kate goes down for her nap.  Mommy and Abby then get to spend some quality time.  She has yet to take a nap in her crib.... I'm a firm believer that babies are made to be held.  They are created to need YOU! Therefore she's held...don't judge! :)
The afternoon consists of more of the same.  Playing and staring at these two beautiful girls that I have been blessed with (sometimes I'm more "blessed" than others) haha.  At night, she likes to be cuddled, loved, and fed until it's time to go sleep.  She loves and I mean LOVES her bath.  The bathroom is so wet when she's finished.  She smiles and giggles and kicks kicks kicks.  We love watching her! There's nothing better that a freshly bathed baby.  I could just eat her up! She usually goes down somewhere between 8-9 and will sleep anywhere from 6-10 hours.  Daddy brought up moving her back up to her room...I'm just not ready for that yet.  She'll be a big girl soon enough! 

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